Issue List

Status Issue Quest Runner Time Weapon Comment
OPEN Im sorry, i fail the url ★7 Gales of Ibushi Blow Again
Gigou34 02'03"10
OPEN Run was judged and accepted by the runner ★7 The Avaricious Apex Arzuros
Fox Invictus 02'44"21
OPEN Run was judged and accepted by the runner ★6 The Abyss Stares Back
Fox Invictus 01'42"12
OPEN Cuts in the video, raises issue with splicing. ★7 Heart of Rivalry
Amatsu 04'27"03
OPEN Agree to hide olay's videos for those not showing the charm/skill But I think it is a bit too over to simply hide all his videos including demo or switch versions (which was released before PC version) Normal hunters usually can learn a lots from his strategies. So it is a waste if you just hide all his videos ★Expert: Slay an Astalos
HK_MH_OLAY 03'18"00
CLOSE サンブレイク体験版で使用できない筈の鉄蟲糸技が使用されています ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
阿陳Orange 07'13"00 ご報告ありがとうございます。記録を非表示にしました。
OPEN OLAY may have as much sportsmanship as soccer players throwing themselves on the ground but this run deserves to be listed, there shouldn't be anything unfair in a demo ...or is there? ★Expert: Slay an Astalos
HK_MH_OLAY 03'21"00 describe the reason more exactly with video stamps or whatever, thanks
OPEN ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
참치뒷다리살. 09'58"00
CLOSE すいません。動画を削除しましたので、記録の消去お願いいたします。 ★Expert: Slay an Astalos
西本 03'45"00 ご報告ありがとうございます。非表示にしました。
CLOSE この動画では、改造行為(いわゆるMOD)を利用してDemoで使用できない筈の鉄蟲糸技をアンロックしています。これは、「ゲーム内のデータを通常プレイにおいて取りうる値以外に変更する行為」に該当するかと思います。 ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
疾梦猎团 07'09"00 ご報告ありがとうございます。記録を非表示にしました。
CLOSE Submitted a new run with a better time, this run can be hidden ★7 Evil Afoot
pichapao 03'11"87 We are leaving old record too. If you want to hide this record, please let us know again.
CLOSE I inputed the wrong time. Please delete the record. ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
MoGG_TW 13'13"00 Changed to hidden. Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
MoGG_TW 13'13"00
CLOSE すいません。動画消去致しましたので、記録の削除お願いいたします。 ★Expert: Slay an Astalos
西本 03'46"00 ご報告ありがとうございます。記録を非表示にしました。
CLOSE Platform is PC ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
Kage02 07'26"00 Changed to PC. Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE I think something questionable happen at 4min 9seconds in the video. It looks like he used the spider thing to pull Malzeno into the wall, but the wallbam happen instantly, plus there was no instant of him picking it up. lastly if it was a attack from the dog or cat that knocked it out, it would have fallen and done it knocked out animation, but it didnt it did the wallbam animation. so either it was a lucky glitch or a hack. ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
禹后清晨 06'42"00 In the enhanced status (after 2min36sec), malzeno downs when malzeno gets some damage to specific part. The down animation is a special animation for the down. It seems the damage was enough while malzeno is down, and dog gave 6 damage right after it.
CLOSE 投稿主です。動画削除したので、記録の消去お願いいたします。お手数おかけします。 ★Expert: Slay an Astalos
西本 03'49"00 ご報告ありがとうございます。非表示にしました。
CLOSE ごめんなさい動画のURLを間違えました ★7 Advanced: Crimson Calamity
MATCH(まっち) 02'49"93 ご報告ありがとうございます。非表示にしました。
CLOSE 重ねてすみません。私の投稿が多数あるので、7分1秒の物を除いて全て削除して頂けると助かります。 ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
FAN TOM 07'27"00 7'01以外の記録を全て非表示にしました。
CLOSE すみません、タイムを間違えて入力してしまいました。正しくは7分1秒です。 ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
FAN TOM 07'01"00 ご報告ありがとうございます。
CLOSE 我选择的是重弩,为什么变成了轻弩? ★6 The Blue Bomber's Best Bud
周二发 00'49"65 Changed to Heavy Bow Gun. ( You may have miss selected the weapon since the LBG and HBG is near to each other. Anyway thank you for letting us know.)
CLOSE Sorry for typo, should be 08'46''00 ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
God Clown 08'46"00 Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE 更新したものを新たに投稿したのでタイムが速い方の承認がされ次第こちらは削除してもらえると助かります。お手数をおかけします。 ★Expert: Slay an Astalos
あるふぁ 05'51"00 ご報告ありがとうございます。非表示にしました。
CLOSE これからの動画は全部PCになります ★Expert: Slay an Astalos
iggy- shota 06'30"00 ご報告ありがとうございます。PCに変更しました。
CLOSE すみません、タイムのほうを間違えて入力してしまいました。正しくは9分28秒です。 ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
かじゅら フルーツを振るう強者 09'28"00 ご報告ありがとうございます。
CLOSE 時間錯誤 ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
天の道-MH 29'00"00 Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE 時間錯誤 ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
天の道-MH 11'29"00
CLOSE ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
天の道-MH 11'29"00
CLOSE Switch->pc ★Advanced: Slay Malzeno
강정 09'32"00 Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE 動画見れません ★7 Apex Diablos Emergency
尻尾剥ぎ太郎 06'45"61 ご報告ありがとうございます。チャンネルが削除されていたため、同一走者による記録を全て非表示にしました。
OPEN do not use No Zako Mod ★6 A Bewitching Dance
Moissa莫桑 02'04"04 Thank you for comment. I confirmed there was a small monster on the area, so deleted the comments "No Zako Mod"
OPEN did not use no zako mod ★7 Clad in Hellfire
信しん 02'55"18 I confirm this runner did not user No Zako Mod so status has not changed.
OPEN no zako mod ★7 Clad in Hellfire
信しん 02'55"18 Thank you for comment. There are small monsters in hunting area so this runner did not user No Zako Mod.
CLOSE This is a Normal-Charm run. I didn't use a charm editor. ★7 Advanced: Born of Paradise
桿菌nursEcoli 05'56"41 Thank you for letting us know. We've changed to Normal-Charm. We don't consider how the runner get his charm. We consider what charm did the runner has used. (This charm has a windproof and I though it has an effect on this run, but I confirmed that windproof 2 has no meaning in this run. Sorry for the mistake.)
CLOSE This is not a capture run. It's a TA wiki rules run. ★7 Clad in Hellfire
yuki 02'46"25 Changed to TAwiki. Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE Submitted a new run with better time ★7 Clad in Hellfire
Azure Alph 01'50"95 Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE The youtube account associated with this record is gone ★7 The Steely Storm
星砕きりんごちゃんさん 09'42"33 All the record by the runner has changed to hidden. Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE The youtube account associated with this record is gone ★7 The Steely Storm
星砕きりんごちゃんさん 08'36"15 All the record by the runner has changed to hidden. Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE 您好 我是视频的作者 该视频在狩猎的过程中无意间触发的勇气太刀MOD的bug 伤害继承了蓝刃补正 我事后也发动态解释过了 今天朋友告诉我被贵网站收录了 我就过来反馈一下以免对贵网站产生不良影响 听朋友说贵网站有自动收录的功能 我们想的可能是这个原因 还麻烦帮忙下架一下 辛苦了 ★7 The Allmother
小心语- 03'44"81 We've hided this record. Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE ???????? clear time:3’48”39 please ★7 A Resounding Roar
王冠不是网管 03'48"39 Time has changed. Format is mm' ss" ms or mm(colon)ss(period)ms. Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE 5’25‘’06 ★7 Blazin' Soul of a Warrior
王冠不是网管 05'25"06 Time has changed. Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE 投稿主です。お手数おかけしますが動画を削除致しましたので、記録の消去お願いします。 ★7 Apex Rathian Emergency
西本 03'41"24 動画を非表示にしました。報告ありがとうございます。
CLOSE 4'15"13 not 14 ★7 The Steely Storm
Cyborgzx 04'15"13 The time has revised. Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE wrong input sorry.please cancel this ★4 The Tiniest Snowbaron!
Jerickito 02'56"49 The submission has been accepted. We would like to leave the record if you don't mind.
CLOSE Platform誤り: PC -> Switch ★7 SF: Ultimate Promotion Exam
SF・サイキョー流昇段試験 (山頂)
たろたろ 03'26"17 報告ありがとうございます。 修正しました。
CLOSE same monster but not the same quest ★7 The Avaricious Apex Arzuros
征天2333 03'12"81 Changed to hidden. Thank you for letting us know.
CLOSE Foodskills are Booster , Slugger and Weakener ★6 Red Skies at Night
Chimonggii 01'54"39 Added to note. Thank you for information.
CLOSE 猫飯火事場は発動していなくてもwikiルールのレギュレーション違反では無いでしょうか? ★7 It's Gonna Get You!
普通人阿懒 03'33"97 強化済みのド根性飯のようなのでwiki違反として非表示としました。承認前の記録でしたが助かりました。
CLOSE ·重大事変ではなく「痛烈無比、ヌシ・ディアブロス」の方です ·FRではなくTAです ★7 The Devastating Apex Diablos
みかん 02'54"99 報告ありがとうございます。修正しました。
CLOSE Submitted a new run with better time ★7 Clad in Hellfire
Azure Alph 02'04"15 Thank you for letting us know. If you don't mind, we would like to leave the older records because it may help other viewers. If you want to hide it, please let us know.